- Provide information to the Ugandan community and assist it in accessing local resources available
- Advocate for the recognition of the contributions and impact made by immigrants to the US, especially from the Ugandan Community
- Provide timely information and/or legal assistance to those facing deportation or other legal issues
- Conduct training sessions in information technology, small business start-ups, cultural, art, and other endeavors
- Increase participation and membership with community organizations with similar goals
- Disseminate education and information related to health, especially HIV/AIDS
- Address social issues that affect women and children, such as domestic abuse, sexual harassment, alcohol, drug abuse, financial deprivation, etc
The above were later revised to reflect the changing needs of the community.
The arrival of internet technology, saw the rise of information powerhouses like …”Google” and later followed by such brands as Facebook, Twitter and Watsapp, facilitated by new innovations like smart phones, wireless networking, etc. It became obvious that our original objective, which was to ..”Provide information to the Ugandan Community and assist the community in accessing local resources”…was outdated and some how irrelevant! While we have tried to keep the original objective in mind, we have re- branded our number one objective. To date, the number one objective of The United Ugandans Association of Colorado is to bring Ugandans and Friends of Uganda living in the State of Colorado together. We can all agree that once Ugandans and Friends of Uganda are together, the dissemination of information is given and easy because of the large Networking pool. Our number one objective is a very simple formula for any immigrant community! We cannot and shall not achieve all the other objectives if we are not together and united. Therefore, below are the modern objectives of the United Ugandans Association of Colorado:
- To bring together Ugandans and Friends of Uganda living in the State of Colorado
- To preserve and promote the Ugandan culture and Traditions
- To encourage Colorado Ugandans, particularly the youths arriving from Uganda to pursue Education on arrival and also embark on a career that will meet the demands of the 21st century
- To encourage Colorado Ugandans and Friends to participate in the American process through; voting, education, wealth building, military service, etc
- To celebrate success stories in the Colorado Ugandan Community; Marriages, Graduations, New borns, Business startups, etc
- To socialize as we celebrate our Ugandan Heritage and Culture through annual functions like; Uganda Independence, Summer Picnic, Christmas Day, American Football, etc